Staff Engagement in Youth Healthy Food Choices Survey Purpose: This survey aims to gather insights from staff on their involvement and interest in engaging youth in cooking and supporting them in making healthier food choices. Your responses will help us improve our programs and better support both staff and youth.Demographic InformationPosition/Role(Required) RYC Resident Supervisor Chef/Cook Other Please specify your position/role:(Required) What program do you primarily work for?(Required) Edenwald PCS START Years of Experience in Residential Care(Required) Less than 1 year 1-3 years 3-5 years More than 5 years Current Involvement in Cooking and Food ChoicesHow often do you participate in meal planning for the youth?(Required) Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never How often do you engage with youth during cooking activities?(Required) Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never On a scale of 1 to 5, how comfortable do you feel in the kitchen/cooking?(Required) 1 (not comfortable) 2 3 (somewhat comfortable) 4 5 (very comfortable) On a scale of 1 to 5, how confident do you feel in guiding youth towards healthier food choices?(Required) 1 (not confident) 2 3 (somewhat confident) 4 5 (very confident) What barriers do you face in engaging youth in cooking and healthy eating? (Check all that apply)(Required) Lack of time Insufficient resources (ingredients, kitchen tools, etc.) Lack of training or knowledge Youth disinterest Other Please specify what other barriers you face in engaging youth in cooking and healthy eating:(Required)What dietary preferences do you encounter in serving meals to youth? (Check all that apply)(Required) Vegetarian Vegan No pork No beef No red meat Avoiding dairy Allergies to specific foods Other None Please specify what other dietary preferences you encounter in serving meals to youth:(Required)Training and ResourcesHave you received any training related to healthy cooking and nutrition for youth?(Required) Yes No If yes, please specify the type of training: (Check all that apply)(Required) Workshop Online Course In-service Training Other Please specify what other types of training you have received related to healthy cooking and nutrition for youth:(Required)What additional resources or support would help you better engage youth in healthy cooking and eating? (Check all that apply)(Required) Recipes and meal plans Cooking classes for staff Cooking classes for youth Nutritional information and guidelines Other Please specify what other resources or support would help you better engage youth in healthy cooking and eating:(Required)If meals would be occasionally served from the cafeterias, do you believe this would improve the satisfaction of meals amongst our youth(Required) Yes No Types of Food to be ServedAre there any specific foods or dishes you believe should be included in the meal plans?(Required) Yes No Please specify what foods or dishes you believe should be included in the meal plan:(Required)Are there any foods or ingedients you think should be avoided or limited?(Required) Yes No Please specify what foods or ingedients you think should be avoided or limited:(Required)Interest and SuggestionsHow interested are you in participating in future cooking activities with youth?(Required) Very Interested Interested Neutral Not Interested What types of cooking activities do you think would most engage youth? (Check all that apply)(Required) Group cooking sessions Cooking competitions Interactive workshops Cultural cooking nights Other Please specify what other types of cooking activities you think would most engage youth:(Required)What would be the most effective method of promoting/communicating the importance of healthy eating habits among youth?(Required)Do you have any suggestions for improving our current approach to healthy eating and cooking with youth?(Required)Please share any additional comments or suggestions you may have: Δ