

Message from CEO Ronald Richter: Thanksgiving 2020

Message from CEO Ronald Richter: Thanksgiving 2020

Dear JCCA Colleagues, We traditionally celebrate Thanksgiving by gathering with family and friends, ushering in the warmth and cheer of the holiday season. This year is starkly different. Almost no one has been spared the impact of Covid-19. Giving thanks means so...

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What is “A Tree Grows in Pleasantville”?

What is “A Tree Grows in Pleasantville”?

Though we have welcomed volunteers to our campus for decades, something happened in 2006 that transformed their involvement—and our programs—forever. Stephanie Spiegel, Andrea Soloway, and Stephanie Hochfelder launched the first “A Tree Grows in Pleasantville”...

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Alumni Day 2020: An Opportunity in Disguise

Alumni Day 2020: An Opportunity in Disguise

Alumni Day has for many years, been a great way for former Campus residents to return to the grassy acres they called home, and to re-connect with old friends (and old flames). It is a day usually dominated by storytelling and reminiscing. Excepting a stroll across...

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A Rosh Hashanah Message From Rabbi Ilan Ginian

A Rosh Hashanah Message From Rabbi Ilan Ginian

We cross the finish line of the expiring Jewish year reflecting on untold challenges: a worldwide pandemic, social isolation, economic hardship, devastating wildfires, and a national reckoning with systemic racism. Rosh Hashanah offers us a new beginning, a chance to...

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Foster Parents Feel the Love, Spread the Love

Foster Parents Feel the Love, Spread the Love

In June, JCCA held our annual Foster Parent Appreciation Night to celebrate and thank foster parents for their hard work all year long. This was the first year it was held on Zoom, but the event was as uplifting as ever. Ten foster parents received awards, each...

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JCCA 2020 Graduation Celebration

JCCA 2020 Graduation Celebration

On June 4, 2020, JCCA held a virtual graduation celebration for all of the foster youth in our care. Ron Richter, CEO of JCCA began the ceremony with words of encouragement and pride. “We are proud of our graduates every year,” he said. “Graduating is an incredibly...

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