

Growing Young Readers

Growing Young Readers

Parental engagement is extremely important in a child’s learning process, school readiness and ability to have a successful school experience. Research shows that children who start school able to work at grade level are more likely to reach their full educational,...

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Back to School!

Back to School!

Generous donors including UJA-Federation, Camp Ramaquois and the Highwater Women donated more than 1,000 backpacks to JCCA kids recently to make sure they are ready for school. Filled with supplies, the backpacks have been distributed to school-age children in...

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CEO Perspective: A Gentle Giant of a Man

JCCA CEO Ronald Richter recounts a heartwarming story about a little boy in JCCA's Pleasantville START Program, a short-term residential program for youth with behavioral and mental health problems in Westchester, NY. I often visit the boys and girls on our Campus....

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The Trip of a Lifetime

The Trip of a Lifetime

Bridges to Health provides services to youth with special needs in foster care so they can remain in the community. Jessica Fama relates the following story about Anthony, a young client who was able to take the trip of a lifetime through the unwavering efforts of...

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A Letter from Charlie

Hi my name is Charlie. I was hurt badly by someone I trusted and loved. My father sexually abused me, hit me a lot and talked badly to me. Finally when I was 8 years old, I got the courage to tell my Nana and my mom what my father had done. But I was also scared about...

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